Mademoiselle K

Mademoiselle K

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Unfortunately, a well known story of sexism for Katerine Gierak, the brain and musical force behind the band Mademoiselle K (yes, it's her): arriving on the rock scene in the early 2000s, she constantly heard comments like “she plays the guitar well... for a girl.” Without a spirit of revenge but fueled by the desire to confront the situation, Mademoiselle K released a debut album “Ça Me Vexe” which quickly established her. The second album, “Jamais la paix” was nominated at the Victoires de la Musique (french music awards) for the best rock album in 2009.

After “Jouer dehors” she decided to release an English album despite the threat from her record label that they wouldn't support her. The lady had ideas in mind: “Hungry Dirt Baby” was released independently, produced by herself. Following 'Sous les brûlures, l’Incandescence Intacte' (the title is a profession of faith), Mademoiselle K reissued her first successful album 'Ça Me Vexe' on vinyl, reuniting with her original musicians for a tour that revisited the album live...

Contact booking : Thomas Bortolotti -